Fallout shelter game show answers
Fallout shelter game show answers

fallout shelter game show answers fallout shelter game show answers

What eyesore did Allistair Tenpenny want gone? Who is the crazy mechanic in the Railroad? What military group occupied Project Purity before it could be activated? Who is the old psychic with the Minutemen? What were the Brotherhood of Steel seeking at Mass Fusion HQ? Which advanced technology is used by many Brotherhood of Steel members? What Brotherhood of Steel member took shelter in the Cambridge Police Station? How did the Brotherhood of Steel arrive in the Commonwealth? Which of these did Moira not send the Lone Wanderer to? What store does Moira send the Lone Wanderer to for food? What deadly creature lurks in the Salem Museum of Witchcraft? Who was the most famous reporter in Diamond City?

fallout shelter game show answers

Who was trapped on the roof of Trinity Tower? Who was the insane leader of the Republic Dave? What is the name of the Children of Atom base on Far Harbor Island? Why did Kasumi Nakano run away to Acadia? The Far Harbor island is in what former state? Now, on to the answers! All Answers for the Game Show Gauntlet in Fallout Shelter Question Upon completing this quest, you can receive the following: We're here to give you a little cheat sheet of all the Game Show Gauntlet answers, and the exact phrasing you should use (because Bethesda always loves giving us dialogue options). If you answer incorrectly, then the raiders attack. If you get each question correct, you receive that room's reward. Raiders will ask you various questions about Fallout lore and other interesting facts to test your knowledge. The goal of this quest is to go through all the rooms of a Wasteland site, without "losing your head". We're here to talk about one particularly famous weekly quest, known as the Game Show Gauntlet quest. These quests range from daily challenges and weekly challenges to Fallout franchise related quest series. The app features vault construction, exploring, and quests. Bethesda's mobile app Fallout Shelterhas intrigued Fallout players since its release in 2015.

Fallout shelter game show answers