Diablo 3 not the cow level can you kill the king
Diablo 3 not the cow level can you kill the king

diablo 3 not the cow level can you kill the king

Finally, Diablo 2's most powerful hat, the Harlequin Crest Drop, makes its way into the game, and it's just as powerful as ever. Even The Butcher - the guy that spawns at any dungeon at any time - is actually the first boss Diablo players encountered and die to in the original Diablo game. The Hidden Camp from Diablo 3, now desecrated and abandoned, appears in Diablo 4 as well. The game's first act, for example, uses the original Diablo music.

diablo 3 not the cow level can you kill the king

In a recent tweet by IGN about a potential "secret cow level", Ybarra replied with an animated GIF with a subtle and funny reaction.Īnd, just like that, Diablo 4 players are off to the races, looking for every bit of clue in the game to see whether or not a Cow Level really exists in the game or not.įor what it's worth, Diablo games have a reputation for callbacks and Easter eggs, dating all the way back to, ironically, the original Cow Level. It probably doesn't help kill rumors when Blizzard's CEO, Mike Ybarra, recently stoked the fires of speculation simply by NOT ignoring them. Just like Inarius, who refused to accept that the Heavens no longer wanted him, a swath of Diablo 4 fans insist that a Secret Cow Level is in the game. But, this hasn't stopped players from calling his bluff.

diablo 3 not the cow level can you kill the king

After all, Diablo GM insists that a cow level doesn't exist in Diablo 4. Or, at least, that's what Blizzard would like you to believe. In other words, adventurers have uncovered a lot in Diablo 4. Blizzard has confirmed that Diablo 4 has been played for an equivalent of more than ten thousand years already. Diablo 4 isn't just the fastest-selling game in Blizzard Entertainment's history it's already one of its most-played titles too.

Diablo 3 not the cow level can you kill the king